Fuel Economy Game

After reaching middle age, I have become a risk-averse driver. Whereas I once drove to faraway places trying to shave minutes off of the estimated arrival time, I now play Fuel Economy Game.

This is the mundane content you are here for, I know.

Well, tonight I drove 168 km from Takao to Yaita (in northern Tochigi Prefecture) and achieved 21.5 km per liter (that’s 50.5 miles per gallon for people in underdeveloped countries). There are plenty of hills along that way, though no major mountains. The vehicle is a Mazda CX-5 with a diesel engine. Yes, cars are bad. When I do need to drive one, it is also nice to get efficiency.

And yes. The dashboard needs a wipey wipey.


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Tenjin Shrine Time-Killing