
Without getting into them one by one, the New Year’s resolutions are going well, especially if weighted by importance to me. First, I have run 26 days, and not missed a one. I do not celebrate this because 26 is more important than, say, 25 or 27, but rather because this moment of wanting to write landed on 26. I should reach 200 kilometers of running this month, which will match one of my best months ever, July 2018.

I have written a few letters, though not at the resolved rate. Same for all the resolutions with a [number of times] weekly frequency. But all of the things have stood the test of 26 days’ time as meaningful things that I want to do.

The work-related resolutions are progressing nicely. I am doing more work than ever to build something that will produce revenue in a very scalable and possibly lucrative way. The feeling of needing to shift the balance of my work into scalable things grows along with my age and realization of mortality.

I noticed that the needle on my turntable was sagging in a way that brought the stylus head closer to the surface of the record that was playing, and decided without experience that this meant the needle needed replacing. I went to Bic Camera to seek a replacement. The needle-related products were in a locked glass case. I asked a staff member to open it. He did not know much about turntables. We reached the conclusion that one which could replace mine was not there. In the process, the existing needle broke in my pocket, unprotected and unloved.

I went home and ordered a replica of mine online from a manufacturer that makes them in lieu of the original manufacturer, which has discontinued the item and whose patents are surely expired. So I spent this week without listening to records in the office. It was less enjoyable than when there are records. The two replacement styli will be shipped to me on January 31.

There are other things to say, and they are brewing as posts of their own, but they can wait. I like winter this year. Daily running chemicals are good.


Some of the Days

